Discover Effective Milia Treatments Today
Milia, those tiny white or yellowish bumps that can appear on the skin, are a common but often frustrating cosmetic concern. These small cysts, which are filled with keratin, develop when dead skin cells become trapped in small pockets beneath the skin's surface. While milia are harmless and typically painless, many people seek treatment to improve their skin's appearance. For individuals looking to address this skin issue, Milia Treatments in Dubai offers a range of professional and effective milia treatments. In this article, we’ll explore these treatment options, with a focus on the available choices in Dubai for those seeking to reduce or remove milia completely. What Are Milia and Why Do They Form? Milia, often referred to as "milk spots" or "oil seeds," appear as small, hard cysts on the skin. They most commonly develop around the eyes, nose, cheeks, and sometimes the forehead. Unlike acne, which results from inflammation or bacterial infection, mil...